Questioning Masterclass

Questioning Masterclass INSET

Half Day or Twilight CPD - Some theory, and lots of practical classroom ideas.

Questioning happens in every lesson. If you have been teaching for between five and ten years, then you have probably asked from between a quarter to half a million questions.

Many teachers are looking for ways to enhance their questioning given it is such an important aspect of everyday teaching.

This training will provide an overview of the latest questioning research. It is also bursting with practical ideas to challenge pupils and inspire. Many teachers are also looking to encourage pupils to think harder for themselves and to rely less on the teacher.

The training will look at strategies for ensuring that questioning is involves all pupils and includes effective stretch and challenge.

Caroline's courses are highly interactive, and teachers will receive many useful and practical teaching techniques. They are grounded on relevant research and the latest good practice in the area: challenging, engaging and extending the able learner.

Questioning Masterclass training delivers:

  • An update on the latest questioning research and it's practical implications.
  • How to use a wide range of questioning techniques and add some more in your toolbox!
  • How to identify, challenge and effectively teach the most able through effective questioning and adaptive teaching
  • Reviewing (briefly) some of the key factors in increasing Stretch and Challenge through quality questioning