
Are you looking for some advice and practical support in moving Teaching and Learning forward?

An external expert can save Senior Leaders many hours and help them ensure that their evaluations are accurate.

Ensure that you have made progress with your most recent Ofsted action points.

Caroline works with middle and senior leaders evaluating teaching and learning. She provides an impartial review of specific areas such as: the quality of marking and feedback, quality of lessons, pupil voice and conducts Learning Walks on the school's priority areas. This allows the school to receive important feedback about how well they are doing and gives clear direction about what next steps they need to address.

Your visit was great preparation for Ofsted. It correctly highlighted the areas we needed to address in advance of the inspection. You ensure that we had planned and put into action all of the necessary improvements to have a successful inspection. Thank you. Deputy Headteacher.

For an informal discussion about the consultancy Caroline can offer your school telephone her on: 07894 596259 or send her an email highlighting the areas that you are interested in: